Privacy Policy


The global cybersecurity forum (GCF) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provides users with access to its website. GCF undertakes to protect the privacy of your personal data and that it shall not collect any personal information about you unless you voluntarily choose to avail and provide this information to us through the communication channels described on this website, kindly note that this information will be not used for another purpose (illegal purpose) outside the framework of completing and processing your request, where the service is available. We would like to inform you that as you browse this website, our hosting systems automatically register user information related to browsing activity (that does not identify personal information) such as pages, content, or downloaded material, for study and statistical purposes, that will help us evaluate content, views and provide information over system performance issues, in order to improve the overall performance of this site.


Mandatory Disclosures

We may disclose your information to the minimum extent required by:

(1) The laws or regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or an order of any court, regulatory, judicial, governmental or similar body of the Jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

(2) Your consent, when needed.


Website Protection

The GCF monitors data transfer to and from the website in order to achieve security standards, ensure the protection of submitted information and services, and reveal unauthorized access attempts, malicious changes in content or attempts to damage in any way. The GCF has the right to take all necessary measures to protect the information or against the misuse of this website. The GCF reserves its rights to prosecute related entities/personal by the Laws (Anti-Cybercrime Law) and related regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Property rights

The copyright, information, and available materials on the website are considered assets owned by the GCF. It is strictly prohibited to copy, publish or use these assets in a manner contrary to the purpose it was published for or for personal purposes and interests without the explicit written consent of the GCF. In all cases, of regular use, the GCF should be cited as a reference for such information.


External websites

The GCF website contains links to external websites managed by other entities. The GCF aims to help userrs in accessing sites that may provide some services and information they need, without any responsibility for privacy and confidentiality policy adopted by the external websites or its performance and impact. We also recommend that users review the privacy policy adopted by these sites.


The GCF’s account on Twitter

The GCF provides all website visitors with access to the authority's official Twitter account. This account is one of GCF’s official channels on social media platforms, through which, the GCF aims to assist the public and stakeholders in understanding the GCF scope of work.


Protection of personal information

The GCF is committed protecting personal information and does not disclose users’ personal information, which they voluntarily provide, without his or her personal consent, except in certain cases where the law requires that such information shall be disclosed. Data necessary to complete the processing of the visitor request maybe shared with the Authority's internal departments to deliver services more effectively. In order to ensure the protection of users’ personal information, The GCF recommends the following:

  • To inform the GCF immediately if you believe that someone has access to your personal information or any confidential information you have submitted or received using the GCF website.

  • Never disclose any confidential information over the phone or via the internet unless you have confirmed the identity of the person or entity receiving / requesting the information and have been presented a prior agreement specifying the communication channels.

  • The GCF recommends the use of a secure browser when using online services, ensuring that unused applications are closed, and ensuring the effectiveness/update of the antivirus software.

  • The GCF follows a comprehensive and strict security policy in order to protect users personal data. Servers related to the GCF website are subject to the highest level of protection, and personal data will be registered, processed and shared using appropriate security technologies.

  • If there are any questions or queries over the privacy and confidentiality policy, please contact site administrator through the communication channels shown in the 'Contact us' page.