GCF Annual Meeting 2024

For this event
2 - 3 October, 2024
09:30 - 17:30
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The 2024 GCF Annual Meeting program builds directly on the insights and priorities of the successful previous editions. Its theme, “Advancing Collective Action in Cyberspace,” will be a call to deepen multi-stakeholder engagement and drive collective action across key strategic priorities.


The forum advances collaboration across five thought-provoking sub-themes, which in 2024 are:

  • Beyond Cyber Discord: Building trust within geopolitical competition – This sub-theme explores innovative approaches and collaborative frameworks to transcend geopolitical discord and build enduring trust among nation-states and relevant stakeholders.
  • Cyber Psychology: Decoding human behaviors in Cyberspace – This sub-theme focuses on unraveling the psychological aspects of human minds—of cyber criminals to understand their motivations, and of users to protect them from cyber manipulation in the ever-evolving cyber environment.
  • Cyber Social Fabric: Strengthening development and inclusion in Cyberspace – This sub-theme explores avenues for ecosystem development and policies to promote social cohesion and ensure Cyberspace catalyzes growth and equitable participation and benefits.
  • Thriving Cyber Economy: Developing strong markets and building resilient cyber ecosystems – This sub-theme focuses on strategies to foster economic prosperity within the cybersecurity domain to integrate the fragmented markets and foster ecosystem development.
  • New Cyber Frontier: Integrating convergent technologies in Cyberspace – This sub-theme explores the changing face of advanced and convergent technologies to understand the implications for Cyberspace.


#Panel discussion
Room G
Pathways to De-escalation: Shared priorities for reducing tensions and advancing stability in Cyberspace
Dr. Mark Esper
Sir Jeremy Fleming
Jose Manuel Barroso
In an increasingly interconnected world, Cyberspace stands as a critical domain in which nations, organizations, and individuals converge and collaborate. Cyberspace is a dynamic environment transcending geographical boundaries and playing a pivotal role in modern life and global connectivity. As inter-state tensions continue to strain the international order, it is essential to recognize the potential for conflict in Cyberspace to disrupt economies, compromise national security, and diminish trust. This session will highlight the implications of rising inter-state tensions in Cyberspace, as well as the key frontiers of opportunity including in terms of new diplomatic channels, evolving norms, and emerging technologies. The discussion will also focus on identifying the most viable pathways of collective action to de-escalate tensions and promote peace and security in Cyberspace.
09:50 AM
#Panel discussion
Room G
Pioneering Pathways: Unleashing potential in the Cybersecurity sector
Suk-Kyoon Kang
Timothy Sherman
Ir. Dr. Megat Zuhairy
Dr. Saad Alaboodi
Miguel Ángel Cañada
In an era defined by rapid technological transformation and interconnectedness, cybersecurity emerges as a critical pillar in supporting economic stability and growth. As the reliance on technologies intensifies across sectors, so too does the need to safeguard these systems from evolving cyber threats. Effective cybersecurity plays a crucial role in facilitating continued innovation and increased technological investments. In this context, harnessing the potential of cybersecurity as a driver for sustainable economic development is imperative. This session will explore the multi-faceted economic contributions of cybersecurity sector in tech-driven market, covering the potential of the sector in times of major technological changes, the looming risks and opportunities in the overall ecosystem development. The session will also explore the most important pathways of action to harness the potential of this sector for sustainable economic growth.
10:35 AM
#Panel discussion
Room C2
Perspective Reversal: Cognitive Strategies and Orientations of Attackers
Dr. Yacine Djemaiel
Oliver Väärtnõu
Harold Rivas
Kevin Brown
In an era marked by increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, understanding the mindset of attackers has become crucial for effective defense. The complexity and ubiquity of cyberattacks are driven by attackers' use of cognitive strategies, psychological tactics, and exploitation of human biases. In this context, gaining insights into the cognitive orientations of attackers is essential for developing robust cybersecurity measures. Studying the cognitive strategies of attackers also provides valuable intelligence for improving incident response capabilities and mitigating the impact of cyber attacks. This session will explore attackers' cognitive strategies and orientations, investigating their use of cyber vulnerabilities, psychological tactics, and human biases in designing and executing cyber offenses amid increasing attack complexity and ubiquity. The session will also explore key pathways of action to counteract these tactics through enhanced defensive measures and strategic planning.
11:00 AM
#Panel discussion
Room G
Leadership Launchpad: Charting Paths to Leadership in Cybersecurity
H.E. Dr. Hala Altuwaijri
Joy Chik
Silvana Koch-Mehrin
In today's cybersecurity landscape, the underrepresentation of women in senior leadership roles remains a critical issue. As the demand for diverse perspectives and strategic acumen grows, it becomes imperative to address barriers hindering mid-to-senior female cybersecurity professionals from advancing into executive positions. To bridge this gap, proactive initiatives are such as leveraging global networks of cybersecurity, developing effective strategies including targeted mentorship and sponsorship programs are essential. This session will explore the strategies to propel mid-to-senior female cybersecurity professionals into executive positions through tailored mentorship and sponsorship programs on a global scale within a network of cybersecurity leaders. The session will also explore the role of global networks in supporting women's leadership in cybersecurity and how best to leverage and scale these networks.
11:10 AM
#Panel discussion
Room C2
Equipping the Defenders: What law enforcement needs to win
Pablo Munoz de Mora
Mustafa unal Erten
The increasing integration of technology across all age groups is reshaping societal interactions and behaviors worldwide. This transformation brings unprecedented connectivity and convenience but also amplifies risks such as the proliferation of online child abuse cases. Geopolitical fragmentation further complicates international efforts to address these challenges, highlighting the urgent need for innovative approaches to protect vulnerable populations in an evolving digital environment. This session will examine the need for law enforcement specialists to investigate online child abuse, address the talent shortage, analyze future skill requirements, and propose a plan of action. The session will also explore strategies to secure the expanding attack surface and ensure effective law enforcement responses in the fight against online child abuse.
11:40 AM
#Fireside Chat
Room C1
Safeguarding the Cyber Heartbeat: Insight on leveraging AI for patient data protection
Prof. Junaid Nabi
The healthcare sector is dealing with an evolving threat landscape as cyber attackers are becoming more sophisticated and targeted in their attacks. Protecting patient data is crucial for maintaining trust in healthcare systems and ensuring continuity of care. Healthcare organizations must comply with stringent regulations, such as HIPAA, which require robust data protection measures. In this active discussion, participants will gain expert insights on leveraging AI-driven solutions to detect and prevent cyber threats—enhancing patient data protection. The discussion will emphasize the importance of practical applications and real-world case studies of AI implementation in healthcare data protection, showcasing tangible benefits and lessons learned. It will also cover emerging trends and the future direction of AI-enhanced security in healthcare—including the potential for AI-powered predictive analytics and automated incident response.
11:40 AM
#Fireside Chat
Room G
Cyber Statecraft: The new chessboard of geopolitics
Chris Inglis
In an era where cybersecurity and geopolitics are increasingly intertwined, nations must navigate a complex landscape of cyber threats and strategic interests. As security risks loom large and geopolitical tensions rise, the importance of robust cybersecurity policies in national security planning and strategy development cannot be overstated. Cyber statecraft has emerged as a critical component of modern diplomacy and defense, shaping the way countries protect their infrastructure and assert their sovereignty in Cyberspace. This session will explore the strategic importance of cybersecurity in national security planning and strategy development in times of looming security risks and increasing geopolitical tensions. The session will also explore the key pathways of action to integrate cybersecurity measures into national defense strategies to enhance geopolitical advantage and ensure long-term security and stability.
11:50 AM
#Panel discussion
Room G
The Multilateral Frontier: Assessing the state of play and imperatives for collective action in cyber diplomacy
Dr. Robin Geiss
H.E. Massimo Marotti
Adam Hantman
In a global environment that is paradoxically both increasingly interconnected and structurally divided, cyber diplomacy has become ever more strategically central and challenging. No single nation can achieve cybersecurity alone, but pathways of collaboration have become dauntingly complex. Finding pathways of productive, substantive inter-state collaboration on cybersecurity is thus a shared imperative. The effectiveness of cyber diplomacy in catalyzing multilateral cooperation will be decisive in shaping the future of Cyberspace. This session will dive into the current state of UN negotiations, examining the significant progress to date as well as the persistent challenges in establishing robust international norms and frameworks for cyber governance. It will then turn to the path forward, identifying actionable pathways for strengthening global cyber resilience and stability through enhanced international cooperation.
12:10 PM
#Closed Session
Room C1
Global View: Korea's Cybersecurity Journey
Dr Jinyoung Oh
This session explores the key milestones and initiatives in Korea's cybersecurity journey. Participants will learn about the challenges faced, from evolving cyber threats to policy development, and how the country has strengthened its defenses. The session will also provide insights into future strategies and emerging trends, making it valuable for professionals and policymakers focused on national security and cyber resilience.
12:30 PM
#Panel discussion
Room C2
Cyber (S)Heroes: Breaking Stereotypes, Building Careers
Jim O Connor
Almerindo Graziano
H.E. Dr. Ohoud Shehail
Orhan Osmani
In the global cybersecurity landscape, diversity is not just a moral imperative but a strategic advantage. Despite the growing demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals, the industry continues to be predominantly male, with women facing significant barriers to entry and advancement. This lack of diversity stifles innovation and limits the range of perspectives necessary to tackle increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Addressing this imbalance requires confronting persistent gender stereotypes that deter women from pursuing careers in cybersecurity. Empowering women to break these barriers is essential for fostering diversity and innovation. This session will explore the critical issues resulting in the underrepresentation of women in the cybersecurity workforce, with a specific emphasis on women’s leadership across different sectors – public and private. The session will also explore the most important policy initiatives that can support and promote women in cybersecurity leadership roles.
02:00 PM
#Panel discussion
Room G
Ctrl + Invest: Women shaping the future of cyber innovation
Christopher Steed
David A. Hoffman
Dr. Mary Aiken
The landscape of cyber innovation is currently undergoing a transformative shift, in which there is a growing recognition of the pivotal role that women-led ventures play in driving technological progress and economic prosperity. As the cybersecurity sector continues to expand, there is an increasing emphasis on the need to foster inclusivity. Emphasizing inclusivity not only strengthens workforce diversity but also enhances innovation and resilience in tackling evolving cyber threats in a rapidly evolving technological age. This session will discuss the expanding and ever-important opportunities for investing in women-led cyber ventures driving innovation and economic growth while providing space for discussion on what each of the stakeholders can do for inclusivity in this sector. The session will also explore the most promising actions the public and private sectors can take to support the innovation and growth of women-led startups.
02:00 PM
#Closed Session
Room C1
Beyond Code: The institutional machinery of cyber diplomacy
Katherine Prizeman
The United Nations Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security was established to promote dialogue and cooperation among UN Member States on issues related to cybersecurity. The OEWG focuses on key areas such as norms of responsible state behavior, the application of international law to cyberspace, confidence-building measures, and capacity-building to address cyber threats. This session will provide an overview of the OEWG’s work, highlighting its role in advancing global cyber norms, fostering collaboration, and addressing emerging challenges in ensuring a secure, stable, and peaceful cyberspace.
02:30 PM
#Fireside Chat
Room G
Economic Security and Critical Infrastructure: the imperative of building trust in an era of geopolitical competition
Heidi Crebo-Rediker
In today’s era of heightened geopolitical competition, protecting economic security and critical infrastructure presents significant challenges. This session will highlight the crucial role of building and maintaining trust to effectively address these issues. It will cover how international cooperation can strengthen resilience, safeguard essential assets, and promote stability. This session will discuss approaches for enhancing trust and collaboration in managing the complexities of economic and infrastructure security in a competitive global environment.
02:30 PM
#Panel discussion
Room C2
Towards a Resilient Cyber Future: Insight on global Cyber Workforce Gaps and Skills Shortage
Eng. Abdurahman Al hassan
William H Dutton
Shoaib Yousuf
Natasa Perucica
Amid a growing demand for cybersecurity professionals, the gap between available skills and industry needs is widening, posing a significant challenge to the resilience of cyberspace. This session will unveil a comprehensive report on the current cybersecurity workforce gap and skills shortage. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the findings and discuss effective strategies for addressing these challenges. Join us to explore actionable solutions, hear from experts, and contribute to building a robust and skilled cybersecurity workforce for a secure future.
02:40 PM
#Panel discussion
Room G
Beyond the Firewall: Building a cyber resilient supply chain in a hyperconnected world
Christophe BLASSIAU
Michael Ruiz
Akshay Joshi
Paul Selby
The world is in a period of extensive technological integration, with global supply chains becoming more interconnected and reliant on advanced technologies. Simultaneously, the rise in cyber threats exploiting these dependencies significantly endangers the security and stability of supply chains worldwide. The imperative to build cyber resilience extends beyond individual organizations to encompass entire supply chains, where dependencies and vulnerabilities are amplified by technological interdependencies. This session will explore the growing need for cybersecurity in supply chain resilience in a hyperconnected world, exploring the trends impacting the supply chain including advanced technologies, and potential mitigation mechanisms to drive stability and safety in the supply chain. The session will also explore the role of international cooperation in enhancing cyber resilience in global supply chains.
02:50 PM
#Fireside Chat
Room C1
Curing the Gap: Promoting Cybersecurity solutions for vulnerable health systems
Dr. Richard Staynings
As we move into an increasingly interconnected future, healthcare systems worldwide are embracing advanced technologies to revolutionize patient care. However, this rapid technological integration brings significant cyber risks, especially for vulnerable health systems in developing countries. The future of global healthcare depends on robust cybersecurity measures to protect critical infrastructure from sophisticated cyber threats that could disrupt services, compromise sensitive data, and incur substantial financial losses. Ensuring the cybersecurity of health systems is imperative as we navigate an ever-evolving technological landscape. This session will discuss the importance of cybersecurity for healthcare services, assess the need for such investments in developing countries, and identify strategies for inclusive capacity building. The session will also explore key pathways through which public-private partnerships can enhance cybersecurity for healthcare services.
03:00 PM
#Panel discussion
Room G
Balancing Progress and Peril: Understanding the challenges and opportunities of AI in Cybersecurity
Brigadier-General Edward Chen
Ken Naumann
Adam Russell
Dr. Helmut Reisinger
Prof. Sadie Creese
The rapid advance of artificial intelligence is creating a new frontier of cyber threats and vulnerabilities and at the same time generating powerful new means of strengthening cybersecurity. The dual nature of AI creates new challenges and opportunities for cybersecurity policymakers and diplomats at the national and international levels. For many countries, addressing these challenges and capitalizing on these opportunities will require new forms of international collaboration. This session will explore AI’s dual nature, delving into the advancements in cyber threats powered by AI, its potential to offer transformative solutions that can anticipate, detect, and mitigate threats more effectively than ever before. This session will also focus on identifying the most promising pathways of collaboration for advancing the responsible use of AI to address the risks and realize the opportunities that this transformative technology is generating.
03:20 PM
Room C1
Code, Clicks, and Culture: Social Transformation in the Technological Age
Wael Fattouh
Erik Bertman
Daren Smith
In today's interconnected world, the rapid evolution of technology is fundamentally reshaping how societies interact, communicate, and evolve. From the youngest to the oldest generations, technological advancements have permeated every aspect of daily life, profoundly influencing cultural norms and societal structures. Understanding this transformation and identifying ways to manage it is crucial to inclusion, ethical usage of technology, and the preservation of cultural identities amidst globalization. This session will explore the transformation led by technological advancements by analyzing the cultural shift driven by increasing interconnectedness and widespread use of technologies across all layers of the population, from children to the elderly. The session will also explore the most effective strategies for managing this transformation to foster inclusive and sustainable societal development.
03:30 PM